Many people think of estate planning as something that only elderly people need to think about. The truth is estate planning is something that every adult should consider.
Apart from property and investments, insurance and other estate planning instruments are powerful tools that wealthy individuals use to protect their families.
When a person passes on, their assets will be frozen until the Grant of Probate is received. In the meantime, without your assets, your family will need a way to take care of themselves.
Common issues:
Debts can quickly deplete the funds of any estate, especially if the debts were intended to be repaid over a longer period of time.
Illiquid assets such as properties of unequal value and locations are often causes of family disharmony.
When the owner of a business passes, it can create succession and other problems.
Insurance with a proper nomination and set up under a trust structure can be used to entirely bypass the probate process.
Estate planning tools allows you to control your charitable giving.
Instead of giving a single lump sum, the money can be restructured to ensure perpetual gifting to the charity.
All in all, proper estate planning can be very effective in overcoming many preventable issues and minimise family disputes.
We understand that all cases are unique. Instrument such as Wills, trusts, CPF nomination, life insurance, investments, Lasting Power of Attorney and Advance Medical Directive are often used as part of our solutions, Analysing and selecting the right tool will help solve the above 6 problems effectively.
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